

Quotes are for a family of 5, lowest deductible/excess, basic outpatient, no US/Canada coverage.

- Waiting for a reply from MSH about monthly payments (Reply: no monthly or quarterly payments, only yearly. Out of my league.)

Health insurance for expats in China - Shenzhen Life - Start in China from Shenzhen


Keywords: 梅花园,


In the end a real estate agent from 我爱我家 found us a 3/2/2 in 西班牙名园 XibanyaMingyuan for RMB 5200 a month, paying 2+2.

List of things To Do

☑ Call bank about personal loan

  • Pull ad for desk (no replies, brought it with us)

  • Pull more money from CEFCU (in process)

  • Get pre-authorization for baby birth (confirmed with MSH)

  • Get house tax papers from 5i5j (done at 居委会, ask landlord to do it in the future)

  • Call moving company about reserving a truck (done; moved)

  • Start JodisVisaApplication

    • Interview waiting period is 33 days, so make appointment after the birth

    • Waiting time is now down to 2(!) days, so no hurry. Look again mid-August.

  • WFLMS ContractVisaProcess2011 (Percy is taking care of this)

  • Baby is born

    • Put baby on medical insurance within 14 days