
  • See a punk/rock show

    地点:北京朝阳区亚运村安慧里一区14号楼(无名高地酒吧 Nameless Highland Bar)(亚运村医院丁字路口往北50)①公交车路线:乘(387总站南50米)406 939 983 944 740 737 804 827 836 840 847 路到“安慧桥”下车,西藏大厦马路对面丁字路口往北200米(亚运村医院丁字路口往北200米,北苑路路西)②开车或打车路线:北四环路安慧桥往北至北辰购物中心十字路口往东,再到一个红绿灯往南50米,北苑路路西。

  • Walter Hutchens' archives]

    The Bookworm, from ["The phone number is (8610) 6415 1954, and the email address is books at_symbol" This place is on the left as you enter Sanlitun bar street from the south. It's a combination cafe/bookstore/library, with a decent section on China. It may have wireless (lots of laptops present).

  • Beijing Underground City

    "For those interested to see part of the Underground City, the address is 62 West Damochang Street, Qianmen, Tel. 6702-2657, 6701-1389."

  • Old-Beijing restaurant on east side of Ditan park:

>33、坛根院食坊:(地坛东门外,售票处北侧,小路上的人力洋车免费把您接入) 京派餐厅的代表。不小的院落里,红灯高挂,高檐敞窗。屋门口的老爷子,着棉布大褂 抱拳相迎。豌豆黄、驴打滚、艾窝窝、麻豆腐、豆汁、焦圈、菜团子,王致和的臭豆腐 就窝头,老北京的家常吃食应该算是全了。青花粗瓷茶碗里,满是老北京热闹兴隆的精 气神儿。这里每晚7:30都有京剧、杂耍、相声等曲艺表演,来这儿主要是看个热闹, 体验一下热闹的京味文化。 UPDATE: It has been [torn down] CONFIRMED.


Lots more stuff, that I don't have time to add. EG Beijing Underground City, Moscow Restaurant (decent food, good service, fancy interior), Beijing Opera at the Chang'an, &c.