
Lots of these are speculative and not fleshed out, so feel free to be creative, explore, personalize, and add by clicking the 'Edit' button! In particular, I need more late-night (post-10pm) ideas that are not 'the nightclub of the moment'.

Date Ideas

  • Century Park / picnic / tandem bikes.

  • Tom's World arcade.

  • John's apt for movie, snacks.

  • Flower market?

  • Baking/cooking after grocery shopping.

  • Jing'ansi area stroll and movie.

  • Senlin Park.

  • Botanical Garden.

  • Ping-pong/billiards behind Shanghai Stadium.

  • Jinjiang Amusement Park?

  • Art project? Fuzhou Road?

  • Yu Gardens/Old City

  • Pudong Shopping Malls tour

  • Gua'er concert

  • Trip to airport, Maglev?

  • University tour? Fudan?

  • Ice skating (location?)

  • Roller skating (566 Anyuan Lu, near Changshou Lu, Jiangsu Lu metro)

  • Shanghai Sharks basketball game.

  • Read to each other (source).

  • Make-your-own karaoke with Baidu MP3 (recommended: 1, 2, 3)

Food Ideas

  • Pizza Hut on People's Square.

  • Hello Pizza

    several around ZhongShan Park

  • Ikea cafeteria.

  • Hot-pot anywhere.

  • Behind Shimen Yi Lu snack street.

  • Curry restaurant (Fuzhou Rd, Henan Rd locations)

  • Arch cafe dessert special.

  • Shellfish, 手抓龙虾

  • The Captain Hostel's restaurant.

  • Jinmao Tower basement cafeteria.

  • Hunanese place below Hongkou Stadium light rail stop

  • Cheap soup east of Caoyang Rd light rail

Late Night Ideas

  • Rojam (Mon/Wed Ladies' Night)

  • Bifengtang (Wuning Rd 24/7)

  • KTV?

  • E-mail your grandmother!