OrangeAppleNutCake :

I just baked a delicious cake. If you're lucky enough to have an oven, here's what I did :

Melted a heaped tablespoon of butter in the microwave
Stirred in about three quarter cup of soft white sugar
Added an egg, and beat it all up together.
Put in a cup of flour and a pinch of salt.
Sprinkled on a heaped tsp baking powder
Added about half a cup of milk, to get a nice soft dropping consistency
Put it all into a glass dish.
Chopped up an apple, and spread it over the top
Chopped up some toffee walnuts (love them) and spread over the top
Pushed the apple and nuts into the mixture with the back of a spoon
Put in the oven (190 degree) until golden brown and cooked through.
Whilst the cake is baking:
Finely grate the rind of an orange, put into a small saucepan
Add the juice of the orange
Add a tsp butter
Add half a cup of soft white sugar
Boil together slowly - the sugar will melt and become syrupy.

When the cake is done (about 20 minutes or more) pour the syrup over the hot cake.

Enjoy. It's delicious with or without fresh cream.