
This page describes the wiki markup language used by this kwiki.

Level 1 Heading (H1)

= Level 1 Heading (H1) =

Level 2 Heading (H2)

== Level 2 Heading (H2) ==

Level 3 Heading (H3)

=== Level 3 Heading (H3) ===

Level 4 Heading (H4)

==== Level 4 Heading (H4)

Level 5 Heading (H5)
===== Level 5 Heading (H5)

Level 6 Heading (H6)
====== Level 6 Heading (H6)

The horizontal lines in this page are made with 4 or more dashes:


Paragraphs are separated by a blank line.

Like this. Another paragraph.

Paragraphs are separated by a blank line. Like this. Another paragraph.

Bold text<em>, /italic text, and underscore text.

*Bold text*, /italic text/, and _underscore text_.

Combination of bold and italics (typographically discouraged)

/*Combination of bold and italics*/

Inline code like /etc/passwd or CGI::Kwiki

Inline code like [=/etc/passwd] or [=CGI::Kwiki]

WikiLinks are formed by two or more words in camel-case.

WikiLinks are formed by two or more words in /camel-case/.

External links begin with http://, like

External links begin with http://, like

Forced wiki links are a alphnumeric string surrounded by square brackets.

Forced wiki [links] are a alphnumeric string surrounded by square brackets.

Named http links have text with an http:// link inside, and an optional Title, like FreePAN or Slashdot

Named http links have text with an http:// link inside, and an optional Title, like [FreePAN] or [Slashdot News for Nerds]

Sometimes WordsShouldNotMakeAWikiLink so put a '!' beforehand.

Sometimes !WordsShouldNotMakeAWikiLink so put a '!' beforehand.

Same thing with

Same thing with !

Mailto links are just email addresses like

Mailto links are just email addresses like

To display an image, surround it with curly braces. Alt and Title text are optional:
The Google logo makes me happy.

{} {The Google logo makes me happy. Happy!}

Unordered lists begin with a '* '. The number of asterisks determines the level:

  • foo

  • bar

    • boom

    • bam

  • baz

* foo * bar ** boom ** bam * baz

Ordered lists begin with a '0 ' (zero):

  1. foo

  2. bar

    1. boom

    2. bam

  3. baz

0 foo 0 bar 00 boom 00 bam 0 baz

You can mix lists too:

  • Today:

    1. Eat icecream

    2. Buy a pony

  • Tommorrow:

    1. Eat more icecream

    2. Buy another pony

* Today: 00 Eat icecream 00 Buy a pony * Tommorrow: 00 Eat more icecream 00 Buy another pony

A definition list consists of pairs of terms and definitions:

A Ninja
Page House
Page Hovse
A dorm at Caltech
A fine hovse
;Micah;帅哥 ;Erik;A Ninja ;Page House; ;Page Hovse; A dorm at Caltech A fine hovse

Quote text just like in e-mail:

Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow, and everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had
a great fall.

> > Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow, > > and everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go. > > Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had > a great fall.

Any text that does not begin in the first column is rendered as preformatted text.

foo bar x y 1 2

You can comment out wiki-text with '# ' at the beginning of a line. This will make the text an html comment:

# These lines have been # commented out

Simple Tables:

  Dick Jane
height 72" 65"
weight 130lbs 150lbs
| | Dick | Jane | | height | 72" | 65" | | weight | 130lbs | 150lbs |

Tables with multiline or complex data:

This data has vertical | bars |
# This is some Perl code:
sub foo {
    print "I want a kwiki!\n"
As you can see we use
the Perl heredoc syntax.
| <<END | <<END | This data has vertical | bars | END # This is some Perl code: sub foo { print "I want a kwiki!\n" } END | foo | <<MSG | As you can see we use the Perl heredoc syntax. MSG