(I arrived about 10 minutes into the speech)
Putting work out in the world, a stage
In the 90s website, "context is king" was taken for granted
Later, community over content
Contribution is key to contributing/critiquing content
Feedback is king
Internet is about people sharing and communicating
Identity: sharing with others needs a definition of others and us
Maoris: signifiers of mutuality and exchange, less on linearity
Copyright doesn't fit into this world of community, sharing
Financial meltdown: banks trusting pieces of cheaply generated paper
Technology "has gone wrong"
Decisions made at the click of a mouse, connectedness cascading and interconnecting mistakes
Systems lagging behind technology
Oligopoly disappearing, challenged by small, connected units
Example: travel agents replace by direct booking across the net
Example: internet radio stations
Example? National curriculum vs home-schooling
Conditions closer to perfect competition
In the future, school will just be one of several options
Financial crisis is the beginning of the death of "they"
"They ought to do something about this."?!
"Gosh, it's us! It really is us!"
Democracy of learning is all about "us"
"The future of learning depends on the strength of mutual, collegiate, gregarious bond."
Learning is global, borrowing curriculum from other places
Assumptions about learning (cells and bells) has gone out the door, the factory school is dead
Socially rediscovering some of the things that really matter
Extended family reconnecting, no longer slaves to geography
Facets of community being reborn
Schools built around mutuality rather than productivity
The death of education = the most exciting time ever = the dawn of learning
The speech was a bit rambly, but that was the the point I think. Still need to think what this all means for science.
My thoughts on conversation with jutecht
learning content vs creating content
one, both or the other, all are valuable
At the minimum, document it wih digicam and put it online
Labs, conclusions
Mail good conclusions, abstracts to a weblog, other students comment
Share teaching materials online