Young "Botany Coloring Book"
Stern "Introductory Plant Biology"
Lab Handbook
Uno, Storey, Moore "Principles of Botany"
Buyers of this book also use the above lab handbook
Levetin "Plants and Society"
"Nice to see someone is trying to revive high school botany classes. There
are at least half-a-dozen intro. college botany texbooks on the market.
Three are published by William C. Brown of Dubuque, Iowa. They are Stern's
Introductory Plant Biology, a nonmajors text with lots on plant uses;
Northington and Schneider's The Botanical World, which emphasizes
environmental issues; and Moore et al's Botany, strong on physiology.
"Saunders College Publishing has Mauseth's Botany: An Introduction to
Plant Biology, emphasizing evolution and diversity. Worth Publishers has
Raven et al's Biology of Plants, also strong on evolution. Harper & Row
has Kaufman et al's Plants: Their Biology and Importance, the oldest of
the bunch with a 1989 publication. All are good, have lots of color photos
but are heavy with vocabulary.