
decent thrift shops in the Ypsi area:

Value World

  • just east of [Michigan Ave and Ecourse] on Michigan Ave.

  • almost to Ford road east of Dwontown on Mich ave.

  • a good stop.

  • the craziest, least picked over.

Value World II

  • a hike from Ypsi... on Stadium by the Fox.

  • huge.

Another Small thrift store

  • by the Denny's on Washtenaw, but I forgot what it's called.

U of M Property Disposition

  • on Baxter road (East off Huron Parkway just south of Plymouth).

  • for stuff other than clothes.

  • the SHIZZNITT if you are looking for furniture and find CRAZY stuff there. Like cryogenic chambers and crap.


  • in DepotTown right next to DreamLand Theater and Schramm's Deli.

  • a "vintage" store.

  • very cool stuff there.

A Small Shop

  • on the other side of Michigan

    on Washington - to the left of the Elbow Room.

  • been there for years.

I like thrift shops alot. Fullerton has good thrift shops.