The following are formatting options that I've added to my Kwiki Wiki:
A blockquote delimited by pipe characters.
A blockquote delimited by the more
usual single right angle bracket.But this blockquote actually has
two levels, the second being pipe
delimited.Nah, make that three.
Back to one.
Then two again, but this second level is angle bracket delimited.
Definition Lists
- Classic term
- and definition
- Term with no definition (optional end semi-colon)
- Second term, but followed by...
- A definition.
- And a second definition.
- A multi-line term With special<em> /formatting
- Followed by its definition.
Replaced Objects
(So far, I've only enabled images.) Special case - both naked URLs and URLs in brackets appear as links:
Curly braces are used to embed images, with optional alt and title text: