
  • Unixshell

    • 64MB for USD 15

    • Slackware

  • Quantact

    • identical to Unixshell, but less transfer/Now hosting with XEN

    • Slackware

  • Tektonic

    • too-good-to-be-true pricing? gotcha on over-bandwidth; Virtuozzo :P

    • Debian

  • Linodes

    • moderate base price, expensive hdd space

    • Slackware

  • Westhost

    • Current superdeal for USD 15

    • Only RedHat :P

  • Pigs Can Fly

    • Matches JVDS prices.

    • no mention of distros, beyond UML.

  • Redwood Virtual

    • not accepting new users

    • only Debian

  • RimuHosting, PDX Colo

    • starts at USD 20

    • no Slackware, but Debian