


Arrive in Changsha by train
Hotel: Jinjiang Inn (Wuyi Square) 锦江之星五一广场店


Breakfast in/outside the hotel
Yuelu Academy/Mountain 岳麓书院,岳麓山
Lunch near Hunan University
Hunan Provincial Museum 湖南省博物馆
Tianxin Pavilion & Old City Wall 天心阁,古城墙
Riverside Park 沿江风光带
Dinner at Fire Palace on Pozi Food Street 火宫殿
Show at Xiangjiang Theater? 湘江剧场
Huangxing Pedestrian Street 黄兴步行街


Breakfast in/outside the hotel
Walk through Changsha Old Quarter “老城区分在河东的南北两边,都以湘江河畔为邻”
Changsha City Museum 长沙市博物馆
Qingshuitang Sunday Antique Market 清水塘古玩市场
Lunch near the market/train station?
Train to Yueyang 岳阳

Helpful websites:

车次 类型 出发站 开车时间 到达站 到达时间 用时 里程 硬座 软座 硬卧上/中/下 软卧
K137/K136 空调快速 上海南 17:05 长沙 07:15 14小时10分 1177 150 0 256/265/274 400/417
D107/D106 动车组 岳阳 13:00 上海南 22:31 9小时31分 1324 302 377 0/0/0 0/0

Me + Jodi + Mom (+Maryann): 256+265+274 = RMB 795
Then catch the next train to Yueyang, RMB 72-138 for 3 depending.
Me + Jodi + Mom + Charlotte (+Maryann): 302*4 = RMB 1208

Travel = 795 + 138 + 1208 = 2141

Stuff to do:
Mawangdui tombs, the Hunan Provincial Museum, Martyr's Park, and the Yuelu Academy
Hunanese opera? Theater?
湖南音乐季 订票 大麦演出长沙站 湖南音乐季湖南大剧院 -
湘江剧场介绍_湘江剧场近期演出_湘江剧场订票_同程网预订平台 -
长沙金德队2010赛季中超详细赛程(更新至3.22)-搜狐体育 -
【天天公告】有关《天天向上》录制门票的解答~ - 天天向上 - 金鹰论坛 -
2010湖南卫视快乐大本营门票【看完确认付款】-淘宝网 -
长沙的老房子(二十三):长沙天主教堂 - POCO旅游社区-旅游摄影图片交流平台-POCO.CN 我的照片 我的空间 -
长沙的老房子(一):杜心五公馆 -
正在消失的长沙老城区 -
Hunan Xiang Opera Theater

Address: 55-67 Jiefang Lu, Furong District, Changsha Tel: 0731-222 4346

Tianhan Grand Theater

Address: 347 Laodong Xilu, Changsha Tel: 0731-581 2811

Hunan Theater

Address: 36 Shaoshan Lu, Changsha Tel: 0731-417 1612

长沙简牍博物馆‎ and 美庐美术馆 — 湖南省长沙市天心区白沙路92号‎ -
世界之窗 ???

Stuff to eat:
湖大印象吧(图)_长沙_大众点评网 -
好食上(八一路店)(图)_长沙_大众点评网 -
何氏排骨(人民中路店)(图)_长沙_大众点评网 -

Things To Do: Old City Walls
A small part of the old Ming dynasty walls can be found in the south-west of the city. The Tianxin Pavilion is the symbol of the ancient city and still remains along the remaining wall.
Admission: Y18.

Changsha: Things To Do: Kai Fu Temple
This is a Buddhist temple. While I could see monks at the temple, it was mostly tourists. The statues were amazing, one room had 500 statues of Buddha in different poses. I was just sad we couldn't take pictures in most places. A lot of the signs were in English, but I was happy to have someone Chinese with me. It was 10 RMB to get in, and that also gives you a package of joss sticks to put in the fire. For 10 RMB you could also get your fortune read in the room with the 500 statues.

Changsha: Things To Do: Fire Palace 火宫殿
This is actually a restaurant, but also is a temple and has a stage. Don't let the fact that it is surrounded by high-rises fool you, this temple is over 200 years old. It often has live entertainment in the courtyard, which is why I was there. I did eat here on another occasion, but that is in my restaurant tip.
Address: just off Walking Street

Changsha: Things To Do: A Fortress Park In Central Changsha.
Literally, this is a pre-WWII fortress complete wuth real cannons and turrets. It was actually used to repel the Janaese during one of their inland invasions.
When you enter this park you're surrounded by beautiful botanic gardens with people sitting at tables leisurely playing mahjong or cards. Others will be practicing Tai Chi, or simply sitting enjoying the serenity of their surroundings.
Further into the gardens you'll enter a pagoda surrounded by other buildings. You'll then see large Cannons pointing out from the high stone wall that stand above the city streets below.

Changsha: Things To Do: Qingshuitang Sunday Market
The northern edge of the dreadful Changsha City Museum at Qingshuitang has one saving grace (well two if you incllude the reconstruction of Mao Zedong's cottage).
On the northern side of the grounds there is a long corridor of calligraphy and steles. On Sundays, this is turned into a little antiques market where Changsha's old geezers and likely lads come to sell the stuff they have been making for the rest of the week and soaking in buffalo urine (for that aged look).
There's a lot of rather endearing tat and rubbish and quite a few old newspapers, posters (genuine.?......maybe), postcards and other assorted junk. The sellers are friendly people and seem to be just ordinary people who have paid a few kuai to lay out a blanket on the floor with some items for sale.
I found a 1959 school atlas of China....brilliant.
If it's raining, or if you just want a change from the sites or malls, an hour here will be rewarding.
Address: Qingshuitang

长沙旅游攻略 - 已解决 - 人体艺术
世界之窗 和海底世界 可以玩一天 ,长沙有一个酒吧一条街(解放西路),晚上特别热闹,
第二天白天可以去省博物馆和烈士公园玩下,这个两个地方比较近,下午可以去白沙古井、天心阁 ,然后爬下岳麓山(都顺路),爬完山回来晚上顺便可以从五一广场走路去逛下步行街,步行街南门口那个地方晚上有很多小吃,步行街里面也有吃的,吃完东西顺便可以去沿江风光带看看风景,橘子洲头也在附近,晚上那边会很漂亮(这两个地方都在步行街附近,从步行街走路去也就十几分钟)